You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.3. FILE Menu: Master File Maintenance > 1.3.14. File - Debtors Contract Pricing > Debtors Contract File Update Screen - Menu Options > Edit - Auto Create > Creating Auto Contracts via the Debtors Contract Pricing Master File
Edit - Auto Create

In Micronet, contracts can be created automatically based on a customer’s previous buying history. In the food wholesaling industry, this is often referred to as a "pantry list" – a list of the most likely or common items that a customer purchases. It is also known as an order template.

Auto contracts can be created for all customers or for specific customers belonging to the same customer class.

Auto contracts can be created in two ways:

For each customer, Micronet compiles auto contracts by:

  1. Checking to see that they belong to the correct Debtor Class (e.g. PANT1 as shown below).
  1. Scanning the customer’s sales history for all sales made in the past x number of days. You can specify the number of days.
  1. Creating a new debtor contract for each customer.

The new contract is named as ZZ1234, where ZZ is a prefix for auto contracts and 1234 is a unique Micronet link number that was created for this customer when their account was first entered into Micronet. This is an internal system ID.

  1. If an auto contract already exists for the customer, deleting the contract line items and replacing them with this new sales history information.


Technical Tip

Before you begin the following procedure, if you only want to create auto contracts for customers belonging to a specific customer class, you must have created that customer class in the Class master file (refer to "File - Class").


Creating Auto Contracts via the Debtors Contract Pricing Master File

To create auto contracts for customers using the Debtors Contract Pricing master file:

  1. Add a new debtor contract or open an existing one.

Refer to "Adding a New Debtor Contract" or "Updating a Debtor Contract".

  1. Select EDIT | AUTO CREATE.

Micronet displays the Create Auto Contracts screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





For Debtor Class Enter or select the debtor class code for the customers you want auto contracts created for. If you leave this field blank, contracts are created for all customers.


Number of Days Enter the number of days from today over which Micronet needs to collect sales history. For example, to collect sales history for all the items sold to customers in the last six weeks, you would enter 42 (6 x 7 days).


Default Order Type

Select the type of contract you are creating. Options are:

  • Regular Contract - the contract applies to a range of customers and territories
  • Promotion – this option is reserved for Micronet Online Ordering (MOO) or Data.Connect subsystem. Use it to setup a contract to store customer favourites. When customers assigned to this contract log onto MOO, the Favourites button will have a small down arrow, which the user can select to view the items in the contract.
  • Customer Exclusive - the contract applies to a specific customer only
  • Territory Exclusive - the contract applies to a specific sales territory only
  • Order Template - save the contract(s) as an order template that can be used to speed up data entry when creating invoices
  1. Select the Ok button.

Micronet creates the auto contracts then redisplays the Debtors Contract File Update screen.

  1. Select FILE | FIND to view and select the contracts Micronet has created.


Creating Auto Contracts by Command Line

Micronet also allows a command line option to fully automate the creation of auto contracts. This should be used by experienced Micronet users only.

The command has the following format:

MDSW32 AutoContractDays=dddd, AutoContractClass=ccccccc

where dddd is the number of days and ccccccc is the customer class. If a class is not specified, then the auto contract is applied to all customers.